There’s a lot that goes on around here…
So we thought we’d share it with you – check out your recent news below!

Starters Spine

Starter's soreness is common with many physical activities - the 'start' of lifting weights, horseback riding or working in the garden after a long winter off. 'Starting' Chiropractic care is no different. If you have joints, muscles and ligaments that…

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Maintaining The Golden Goose

We all have excuses for not getting to the Chiropractor more often - too many appointments, too many responsibilities, too many 'you fill in the blanks.' You're the golden goose and you have little time and LOTS of people to…

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Smell Something Burning

A family physician tells his patient “there are 3 stages of pain. The first stage, the pain is bad enough to catch your attention. The second stage it takes hold of you, and at the third stage it finally compels…

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A Conducive Environment

When farmers plant, they don't question the seed's innate ability to grow and produce crops. Neither do they dig seeds up every day to verify their progress. They simply prepare the soil as best as they can and trust nature…

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A Subluxation In A Shoe

A man complaining of foot pain goes to his doctor. Upon examination, the doctor finds a problem - there's a pebble in the man's shoe, creating a focal sore spot. The medical doctor injects Novocaine into the irritated area and…

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What If They’re Subluxated

Imagine this scenario. You see your kids off to school safely every morning. As you watch them climb the school bus stairs and scamper to their seats, the driver gives you a subtle nod letting you know it's time to…

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From Super To Subluxated

How precious is the flow of Nerve energy through your body? The late Christopher Reeves could have told you. Before his spinal cord injury, he was a strong, athletic individual with normal Nerve flow. After, a shell of his former…

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The Study Of Death vs Life

One of the not so obvious, yet fundamental differences between the practice of medicine and the practice of chiropractic is that one spend most of its time dealing with death and disease, while the other, the full expression of Life.…

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An Important Piece

It's the New Year, and time again for setting health goals. No doubt there will be a myriad of exercise plans, home gym equipment and diet regiments to choose from to restore your fitness and vitality - but will you…

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Chiropractic Colored Glasses

What does the world look like through Chiropractic colored glasses? Does your health shine brighter… are your relationships with friends and family more in focus… is your job performance sharper and crisper? You 'see' everything through your nerve system –…

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