There’s a lot that goes on around here…
So we thought we’d share it with you – check out your recent news below!

Subluxations Don’t Take Vacations

Toes in the sand, not a cloud in the sky, 75 degree water temps. Vacations are the perfect time to decompress, spend precious time with family and friends and reconnect with your soul.  What could possibly stress your body? How about ten days of…

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Soaking up Stress

Your Nerve System is the ultimate sponge, soaking up all the experiences, sensations and stresses you encounter every day. Like a sponge, it can only absorb so much before it becomes over-saturated and spills stress into your body. The result… PAIN, SICKNESS and WEAK PERFORMANCE!…

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Safeguarding Your Health.

If health is our most precious treasure, stress is a menacing thief trying to rob us of it every day. And if you're not diligently protecting your health against potential break-ins, chances are you'll lose it without any warning. Stress negatively…

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Your Personal Google

How much stomach acid does it take to digest a cheeseburger? Or, how much calcium is needed to heal a broken leg? How about a fever, how high should it reach to fight a common cold? You don't need to surf Google for the…

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A Teacup of Innate

Scoopup a cup of water from the ocean and in that vessel you'll have some ocean - not the actual ocean, but a part of the ocean, composed of the same physical, chemical and substantive properties. The same can be said for…

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The Achilles Subluxation

In Greek mythology, Achilles obtained his powers of strength and invincibility when his mother dipped him into the River Styxx. But because she held him by his heel, it was not washed by the water of the magical river. Achilles…

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Keeping Your Edge

If you want to be better at work, better in sports, or better for your family... regular Chiropractic care can give you the edge  you're looking for to be more productive in all aspects of your Life. Your body's ability to function at…

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Innate’s in Your Corner

Life can feel like a boxing match.  The stress of daily responsibilities, mental fatigue and the loss of health can beat you down.  But there's one thing in your corner that helps you overcome it - your innate intelligence. While uncertainty dominates today's world,…

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Unlearning Bad Habits

The Charles Barkley Project - Check it Out Here If you decide to take up golf without investing in a few lessons first (like our friend former NBA All Star, Charles Barkley did) you're bound to develop some bad habits.  And once those…

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Don’t Blame the Tee

It's just a golf tee, a small piece of wood barely weighing an ounce.  But when you bent to pick it up after finishing the last hole, it may as well have been a 300 lb barbell.  You felt your back pop and…

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