There’s a lot that goes on around here…
So we thought we’d share it with you – check out your recent news below!

Subluxation Tuesday

Thanksgiving is over, so let the shopping stress begin!  Millions of people worldwide will spend the next several weeks in a buying frenzy - determined to secure the perfect gift for a rock bottom price, all while sacrificing their health and their sanity in the process. According…

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An ADIO Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving time, and in staying with custom, we'd like to share with you a few things we are truly grateful for this year.  Here's a short list... We're thankful for Subluxatation free spines, mobile joints and healthy sagital curves.  Supple muscles with elastic…

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Falling Back Into Health.

What do subluxations and the end of Daylight Savings Time have in common? Both leave you with less light! When you break the word down into its roots, SUB-LUX-ATION you get “SUB” – which means less than normal, “LUX” – which is a Latin…

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When Entropy Wins.

A gradual decline to disorder - this is the law of entropy, where exposure to external forces without protective resistance leads to break down.  Leave a classic car exposed to the elements without protection and it eventually rusts to nothing.  In the absence of…

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When your back gets the boot.

You woke up this morning, tried to get out of bed only to discover your back is completely locked up - like a steel parking boot has been slapped on it, rendering your whole body UN-driveable.  Maybe you should have paid more attention to…

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Nothing Scarier.

What do 'walkers' and the chronically Subluxated have in common? Both are doomed to aimlessly wander the earth more DEAD - than fully ALIVE! It’s common for those suffering with chronic Subluxations to feel tired, fatigued and disinterested in Life…

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Your Keystone of Health.

The strength and stability of an arch is unparalleled in architecture. Each block supports massive loads from above while evenly dissipating stress to the foundation below - the most important block being the keystone. Without it, the entire structure would fail. If your health…

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Chain Reaction

A chain reaction occurs when a small event ignites a reaction nearby, setting off another reaction, then another, until it produces an ultimate result. Getting your health back with Chiropractic care happens in a similar way. Chiropractors start the process with…

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Happy 119th birthday chiropractic!

  For over a century Chiropractors have been introducing their clients to the best doctor on the planet...the one that lives INSIDE them. Here’s what we’ve accomplished so far. Chiropractic is the largest DRUGLESS, non-medical healing profession in the world…

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Did You Hear?

Did you know the very first Chiropractic adjustment wasn't for back pain?  Here's how it all started as told by our founder Dr. D.D. Palmer in September of 1895… Lillard, a janitor, in the Ryan Block, where I had my office, had been so…

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