There’s a lot that goes on around here…
So we thought we’d share it with you – check out your recent news below!

May Cause…

You rarely hear drug commercials on the radio. Television's a different story... every other commercial is for a drug to fix your stomach problems, sleep disturbances or allergy issues - all ending with a laundry list of side effects, disguised by distracting images of…

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Are You In or Out?

Many Chiropractic patients (especially those new to care) make the mistake of crediting the 'adjustment' for healing them, or taking away their pain.  Actually, adjustments don't heal ANYTHING... it's the time you stay IN adjustment, allowing your innate intelligence to heal you, that produces…

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I Think I Slept Wrong

You woke up with a bad headache and sore neck this morning. You can barely turn your head without wincing in pain.  Funny thing is, you have no clue how it happened.  Well, maybe this will shed some light on what did. Your…

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Time To Get In Gear

When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear?  That grating noise could mean something's out of alignment. Your spine is made up of movable bones called vertebrae, each…

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It May Be Muscle But…

You're right, your pain could be coming from a muscle.  It could also be coming from a joint, a ligament, a tendon, some fascia, a bone, a blood vessel or just about any deep tissue.  In reality, 'classifying' your pain adds nothing to your…

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Subluxated On The Line

A productive assembly line relies on precise timing, combined effort and coordinated team work.  If one worker falls asleep on the job, the others are forced to pick up the slack. If left mismanaged, the remaining workers eventually tire and wear out - causing the…

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A Dime’s Worth Of Damage

The weight of a dime, 8-10 mm of Hg, that's all it takes to drain normal nerve transmission to a trickle.  Stretching a nerve by as little as 6% can also decrease it's signal strength by 70%.  So what does that mean for you?…

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Flexible Like A Fiddlehead

Young fern shoots are flexible and supple as compared to the old, fallen leaves and brittle tree branches that surround them in early spring.  The former is full of Life and potential, the later - devoid of it.  The same can be said for…

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Quantity Counts

A glass of water can put out a flame, but it won't put out a raging forest fire - right idea, but it’s lacking in appropriate quantity.  The  same can be said for results and Chiropractic care. The purpose of multiple adjustments is…

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