Forget Someone at Home?

Chiropractor - “Hey Mary, where are your kids?” Mary - “I left them at home, they don’t have any back pain…” Chiropractor - “That might be true, but do they have Subluxations?” Studies show that stress from the birth process…

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Flies and Garbage Cans

Ever notice that flies like to congregate around dirty, neglected garbage cans? You don’t usually see them swarming near clean ones. The same can be said for germs, bugs and viruses. Germs are like flies... they’re opportunistic. Give them a…

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Congruency Points

When was the last time you went to a doctor who said "here take these drugs because I use them myself and they make me healthier" or "here's a new shot for your kids, I'm not certain of the side…

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Fight For Yourself

It's that time of year again. Lines will soon form outside of every corner prescription retailer. The water cooler conversions about 'getting your shot' will become more common place. It's flu season - so let the fear begin. If you…

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Plaque and Subluxations

If you eat, you're going to develop plaque on your teeth - it's inevitable. But if you brush regularly, you can keep the plaque from building up... thus avoiding the formation of cavities and decay that result from neglect. Likewise…

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Restoration Care

Undertaking a restoration project can be a harrowing task. Depending on how much wear, tear and neglect you're faced with, it could take several months and a lot of money to get your rusted classic back to the way it…

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Chiropractic Roller Coaster

It's not uncommon to see clients who get great results from chiropractic stop their care once they feel good, only to return with their original problem or something worse. Many repeat this cycle over and over again - traveling up…

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Riding a Crooked Spine

If you've ever crashed your bicycle and twisted the handle bars out of whack, you probably got up, stabilized the front tire between your knees and muscled the frame back into alignment before hopping on again. Everyone knows riding a…

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The Dow Jones of Healing

Healing is like the stock market. It never progresses in a straight line. You’ve got to expect some ups and downs along the way. You might experience a surge of relief when you first start your Chiropractic care only to…

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Treating the Bark

You walk into your Chiropractor's office, hop on a table and point to where it hurts. But the Chiropractor adjusts a totally different part of your spine… not even close to where you feel the pain. Why is that? There's…

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